About the Author
Ted Edwards is a Featured Author of the House of Dasein
Author of over 25 hard BDSM style stories featuring slave training slave trading strict bondage male domination and sadsim.
About the Story
Jill Bentley has been snared in the debt trap leaving her at the mercy of John Griffin and his accomplices a situation that they have used to its full advantage.
Jill is - or was - an invesigative reporter who was intent on exposing Griffin and his companies as corrupt but with her in his hands Griffin wants to know just how she was getting the information she was publishing; as well of course as making full use of his captive's charms.
Now Jill has broken and told him what he wants to know so now there'll be a companion for her who'll share her torment and misery.
There'll also be some unexpected and interesting happenings for Griffin and his friends who find that they've started something that has generated interest from some very powerful people...
Male Dom - M/F
You Will Receive
One 106 Page Paper Back Book. Size H-198 W-129
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