Summer At Aunt Cecilia's By Michaela Francis 2018 Spanking Erotica Steamy And Sexy Stories

Summer At Aunt Cecilia's By Michaela Francis 2018 Spanking Erotica Steamy And Sexy Stories

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About the Author

Michaela Francis is a Featured Author of the House of Dasein

Michaela is a UK author based in Yorkshire. Born in the city of York Michaela spent many years travelling throughout Europe during a career as an entertainer before returning to the UK to study for a Masters degree in history. The author of several novels and many short stories as well as several works of non-fiction Michaela #039;s style mixes romance fantasy and eroticism in a rich blend of well researched authenticity and descriptive imagination. Widely travelled multi-lingual and multi-cultural Michaela draws upon her own experiences and adventures to enhance the diversity of her writing while adhering to Tolkein #039;s mantra quot;the inner consistency of reality quot; to bring realism and credibility to the imaginary worlds she creates.

About the Story

In the spring of 1928 the young and troubled Charlotte is sent by her father to her Aunt Cecilia's house in the country to spend the summer. Her mother being deceased it is understood that the teenage girl will benefit from a woman's guidance at a troubling juncture in her life. Aunt Cecilia's guidance is more than Charlotte expects however. While she is kind to the young girl she nevertheless insists on a regime of strict discipline for her. Charlotte is to be spankeda¦ every day. Her spankings do not detract from her happiness in the beautiful rural surroundings of Meadowdale House however. There amidst the meadows streams and woodlands Charlotte finds peace and fruit for her vivid imagination even while her daily punishments at the hands of her aunt and her grim housekeeper become gradually more severe. As the summer draws on Charlotte must become accustomed to ever more painful implements of punishment and come to meet Lord Gregory the man who holds her strange destiny in his hands. Before the summer is out she will learn just what it is she is being groomed for and what kind of future she faces. This enchanting tale of corporal punishment and a young woman's sexual awakening amidst the beauty of the English countryside is related in Charlotte's own voice from the golden era of the Jazz Age. It is a story both charming and erotic which will delight Michaela Francis readers leave a sweet taste in the imagination and an exciting promise of more of Charlotte's adventures to come.

Spanking Erotica Steamy and Sexy Stories

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One 222 Page Paper Back Book. Size H-198 W-129