Pink & Black
Twisted Teen Domme By Drkfetyshnyghts 2013 Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual Bdsm

Pink & Black Twisted Teen Domme By Drkfetyshnyghts 2013 Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual Bdsm

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About the Author

drkfetyshnyghts is a Featured Author of the House of Dasein

\\\"DrkFetyshNyghts writes her hard hitting stories almost as crime novels. The BDSM the Fetish and the Bondage being the crimes along with the impunity with which the perpetrators operate. This together with an autobiographical feel and forensic attention to detail adds a distinctly jagged and disturbing edge to the narrative.\\\" Hello there as above I am a 39 year old Lady writer and I have a \\\'thing\\\' for latex nylons and heels... all wrapped up in dark brooding bdsm and extreme control (mostly lesbian though not exclusively so). Forced orgasms. Orgasm denial.. and debilitating mental cruelty. I enjoy exploring the dark side and within stories can revel in the no safe words morality.

About the Story

Ellie saw something once ??" witnessed something. Something that happened between her mother and a mysterious stranger Doctor Daddio. Ellie was never the same after that. From the outside she was just a little weird ??" quiet intense moody. But on the inside her mind was twisting and tightening and shaping her future. Fast forward and Ellie aka Angel is still in her teens and she has developed what might possibly be called an unnatural interest in older women ??" ones around her mother's age. She doesn't think there is anything wrong with that ??" but then that little knot in her mind will have massaged that belief. Like another of those twisted knots will have convinced her that the visions she had of the things that she liked to do with and to older women were ok as well. Older women vulnerable ones were simply play things to be abused. Ellie's twisted mind was going to shape another woman's life. Barbara or Barbs a mature well stacked divorcee had hit on bad times and preferred her own company. And then one night there was Ellie ??" the 'smiling angel' in shiny black and pink stretch plastic pretty and with an almost perfect halo. Almost perfect in that it had been 'tilted' just a little. A love story and a tale of the deconstruction of a mature woman by an apparent angelic teenage girl.

Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual BDSM

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One 164 Page Paper Back Book. Size H-198 W-129

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