About the Author
Commander James Bondage is a Featured Author of the House of Dasein
I am a retired criminal attorney with a Master's Degree in History. How these prepared me for a career of writing naughty books is not altogether clear to me but then life can take some strange turns. My books have two goals: to have a bit of innocent fun and to provide a few pleasant moments for my readers.
About the Story
After being abducted and delivered to Baron Harzel by order of Queen Lauren Princess Victoria and her best friend Lady Ariel continue to suffer as sex slaves under the harsh training of their captor. In addition the sadistic Baron begins to use them as his assistants to help him torment other unlucky girls who have been sent to him by their future husbands. They are close to despair when the arrival of an unexpected visitor suddenly changes everything.
Editorial: The paperback edition contains both parts of this story in one book.
Historical Bondage/BDSM
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One 216 Page Paper Back Book. Size H-198 W-129
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